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Principal’s Message 09-21-23

St. Margaret of Scotland Families: 

In this newsletter, I would like to spotlight our Saint of the Month, St. Vincent de Paul.  We have been learning about St. Vincent’s life during our morning prayer – did you know that he was captured by pirates for two years?  St. Vincent is a wonderful example for us at St. Margaret of Scotland.  His mission of serving the poor, enslaved, and imprisoned is our mission as well.  I hope that our students can take inspiration from St. Vincent de Paul in how they treat others.  

Because the mission of St. Vincent de Paul is so near to our own school mission.  I strongly encourage all of our school families to consider participating in part or all of our St. Vincent de Paul Society day of events this Saturday – the Charity Walk, Mass, and the Pasta Dinner.  There is a flier in the newsletter explaining the details. 

Please keep us in your prayers as we finish our standardized testing this week.  The change in schedule can certainly take its toll on our students and teachers.  I hope that everyone takes some time to relax and recharge this weekend.

God Bless, 

Patrick Holley  

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