Principal’s Message 08-15-24

St. Margaret of Scotland Families:

We truly had a wonderful first day of school, and I pray that all of you are having a great first week as well!  There was truly great energy in the building.  There is so much work that goes into preparing for a new school year, it is always great to see all that work come to fruition.  

The summer is a time for taking stock of facilities needs for our campus.  I am proud to say that we addressed many facility needs this summer and completed several capital improvements. Most prominent is a new fence and gate system that was purchased using the proceeds from last year’s Trivia Night and a donation from our PTA organization. This will provide further safety for our students playing on the playground during recess and keep some of the balls from flying into the street. 

Some other improvements include: 

  • A new permanent basketball hoop 
  • A new roof on Faith Hall
  • New flooring in Faith Hall 
  • Plaster work in St. Joseph Hall

All these improvements take a team to complete.  I want to thank Carmela Garza and Deborah Elliott in the Parish office for helping organize and plan these improvements.  I also want to thank our PTA organization for providing funds to make our school a better, safer physical environment.

I am very excited to see all of you next week for our back-to-school presentations.  Please be sure to check out the details posted in this newsletter.  

Thank you for your continued support of our mission of providing an inclusive learning environment rooted in Catholic Social Teaching and the teachings of Jesus Christ. 

God Bless,

Patrick Holley


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