Site icon Saint Margaret of Scotland

Principal’s Message 09-12-24

St. Margaret of Scotland Families:

It was truly awesome seeing our school families so well represented this past weekend at the Mass In The Grass/Back-To-School Picnic. Survey after survey indicates that our biggest strength as a school and parish is our community.  Our time spent together this past weekend is a testament to what makes this such a special school and parish.   

Our next large community event is a little over a month away – The Walkathon.  The Walkathon is a school fundraiser where our student collect pledges to walk a ½ loop in Tower Grove Park.  Families and friends come together to raise pledges to achieve our goal of 20,000 dollars in operating funds for the school.  More information will come out as we get closer to the event on Saturday, October 19th from 8:00am-1:00pm.

I can think of no better way to show our support of our school and our community spirit by having a huge turn-out for our annual Walkathon. Please mark this date on your calendar and plan on attending.  Please also consider volunteering as well.  

God Bless, 

Patrick Holley

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