St. Margaret of Scotland Families:
Next Thursday, St. Margaret of Scotland PTA is sponsoring another informational night in partnership with Be SMART. Be SMART is a campaign launched in 2015 to promote responsible firearm ownership and reduce the number of child gun deaths in the United States. Their focus is on the safe storage of firearms in the house and what children should do if they find a firearm. SMART is an acronym that stands for secure, model, ask, recognize, and tell.
St. Margaret of Scotland is hoping to become the first ‘Be SMART’ school in the St. Louis area. We are inviting parents, parishioners, and families to the school next week to attend a special presentation hosted by the SMOS Gun Sense team.
The presentation will take place in the school Cafeteria, on Thursday, Nov. 21, starting at 7:00 p.m. There will be childcare available and all parents who participate in the information session will earn their children a dress-down day on Friday, Nov. 22. Materials from the program will also be sent out to parents to review online, with a pledge to sign and return to the school, for those who cannot attend that night (which will also earn the dress-down).
I sincerely hope for strong participation from school parents to show our commitment to the safety of our children. More information and details to register are posted in the newsletter.
God Bless,
Patrick Holley