St. Margaret of Scotland Families:
As you know, we had our school improvement visiting team participate in our school improvement process last month. We shared the commendations they made with you a couple of weeks ago.
The group’s other purpose was to look at our strategic planning goals and provide feedback. This week we are publishing the strategic planning goals that were accepted by the Office of Catholic Education and Formation.
These goals were chosen through committee work and an all-school survey. They represent the needs of our community as expressed by all stakeholders. We have five years to work to achieve these goals before the process starts again. I thank everyone who helped us through this process.
We have four goals which cover our three areas of focus:
- Catholic Identity: Through the development of a family evangelization and formation plan, the students’ and parents’ understanding of the Catholic Faith and relationships with Jesus Christ will be strengthened individually and as a family unit.
- Academic Issues: Student learning will improve with the creation and implementation of a targeted differentiation plan with a focus on providing rigor and meeting the needs of all students.
- Academic Issues: Student learning will improve through the implementation of a whole school behavior management plan with a focus on restorative practices and inclusivity, equity, and diversity.
- Institutional Issues: School climate and safety will be enhanced through the creation and implementation of a facilities management plan.
God Bless and Have a Happy Thanksgiving,
Patrick Holley