St. Margaret of Scotland Families:

As you know, we support a local charity every year during Advent. This year, we are joining with our Parish St. Vincent De Paul Society to help them provide beds and utility help to those in need. We have asked that each grade level raise 250 dollars. This amount is specific in that it will provide a bed or offset the cost of one month of electricity for a family. If we can make our goal of averaging 250 dollars per homeroom, we will have a dress-down day on the last day of school before Christmas Break. Details on how to give are below in the newsletter.
Just a reminder that we will have Mass twice next week. In addition to our regularly scheduled Mass on Wednesday, we will have an additional Mass on Monday, December 9th. Monday is the feast of the Immaculate Conception where we celebrate the conception of our Mother Mary who we believe was conceived without original sin. Please feel free to join us for Mass on this Holy Day of Obligation.
God Bless,
Patrick Holley