St. Margaret of Scotland Families:

I am happy to report that we are having a great Advent Season at St. Margaret of Scotland. We spent a lot of time in our beautiful church this week. Our Second Grade students received the Sacrament of Reconciliation this past weekend and the school children were able to participate in Reconciliation during the week. We also celebrated Mass as a community both on Monday, The Immaculate Conception, and our regular all-school Mass on Wednesday. Activities like these reinforce what makes this season so special; preparing ourselves for the coming of Jesus Christ in the past, the present, and the future.
Another way that we are preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ is our service project this Advent season. Just off of WeShare alone, we have raised $2,720 – more than halfway to our goal of 4,500. Remember that we are raising this money in support of our St. Vincent de Paul Society which will use it to help offset utility costs and purchase beds for people directly in our community. I understand that there are many opportunities to give during this time of year. I am thankful for our community’s support of our mission in Catholic Social Teachings by performing Corporal Works of Mercy.
God Bless,
Patrick Holley