Principal’s Message 02-20-25

St. Margaret of Scotland Families:

Thank you for your patience as we have continued to deal with inclement weather this year.  I have not had a year that we have had more issues with the weather in such a short amount of time. I know that inclement weather days can cause frustration, and I know that several factors go into our decision-making to call school off. Ultimately, my team and I are responsible for the safety of our students and teachers which we take very seriously.  I am fervently hoping that this will be the end of our inclement weather and this will be the last of our distance learning days. 

This Friday marks the end of our second trimester. We will publish grades on Thursday, March 6.  If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your child’s teacher/teachers.

God Bless,

Patrick Holley


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