St. Margaret of Scotland Families:

Next Wednesday is officially the beginning of the Lenten Season. We will celebrate an All-School Mass with our preschool through eighth-grade students on Wednesday, March 5, in observance of Ash Wednesday. Mrs. Heithaus is planning several Lenten activities, including different observances of the Stations of the Cross, Reconciliation, and Faith Family activities. Please feel free to join us for what you can as we journey together through this Lenten Season.
I am happy to announce that we will also partner again with St. Margaret of Scotland Parish for our Lenten Service project. Our school and parish will be supporting Assisi House. Assisi House operates five houses in the City of St. Louis that provide low-rent assistant housing to unhoused people in the City of St. Louis. Stay tuned for details on how the school will specifically support Assisi House. If you would like to learn more about Assisi House and its mission, please visit their website.
There are more details about preparing for Lent on the Parish website. Check it out!
God Bless,
Patrick Holley