Principal’s Message 03-06-25

St. Margaret of Scotland Families:

I am extremely happy to announce that our current enrollment projections for the next school year have far exceeded our expectations.  To give perspective, our enrollment declined from the 2019-2020 school year to the 2023-2024 school year (470-442). This current school year, we reversed that trend with 450 students, and if the 2025-2026 school year began tomorrow, we would have an enrollment of 461 students or an increase of approximately 5%.  

As we continue to hear stories of declining population in the city of St. Louis and school closures in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, this increase in enrollment is truly something to celebrate.  While I think there are several factors to this increase, I would like to primarily thank the teachers and the parents.  The teachers work hard to make our school a desirable destination for children and our parents who act as ambassadors for those seeking a school.  Word of mouth is the most effective and meaningful way to attract people to our school.  I can attest that word-of-mouth referrals have increased greatly in the past year.  

The most tangible way that we are addressing our increased enrollment is opening up a fourth preschool room to accommodate the influx of new students.  We are working on this now and will have more information about this new room as the year moves on.  

Please join me in celebrating St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic School and all the people who support our school.  We are so blessed to have a thriving Catholic school.

God Bless,

Patrick Holley

Click here for the press release.


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