Site icon Saint Margaret of Scotland

CRE Update 08-17-23

Hi families! My name is Gwen Cataldo (soon to be Heithaus), and I am thrilled to be returning to SMOS this year as the Coordinator of Religious Education. I find great joy in working with the students here, so it has been a lot of fun seeing all of them over the last two days! I have spent time in several of the classrooms doing a start of the year prayer service with the students. They have been very receptive to the idea that God is with them, even in the classroom. We are looking forward to being able to gather as a school community at our first all school Mass taking place on Wednesday, August 23 at 8:15am. We hope to see you there!

Also, we will be continuing this year with our Sunday Class Masses – each month, a different grade will represent the School at the 10 AM Sunday Mass. First up this Sunday, August 20th, we have our 8th Graders!! They’ll be serving as greeters, ushers, offertory presenters, and helping out with coffee & donut fellowship.

You can sign up for this week or whichever month has been assigned for your child’s class(es).


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