Site icon Saint Margaret of Scotland

CRE Update 08-31-23

One of my favorite things about working at SMOS is experiencing the power of the community here. Thank you all very much for the prayers and words of encouragement over the last several weeks. I am happy to say that the wedding was wonderful and that I am now going by a new name – Mrs. Heithaus!

In the spirit of deepening the sense of community felt here at SMOS, I would like to invite all of you to join me on Friday mornings after drop off (approximately 7:55am) for prayer. This prayer opportunity is not meant to be anything lengthy. Rather, it is an invitation to spend 5-10 minutes in prayer, starting out your day with Christ. Friday morning prayer will start on Friday, September 8 and will be held in the Hesed Outdoor Classroom, located right outside of St. Joseph Hall (rain location: school cafeteria). I look forward to seeing you there!

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