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Middle School Electives 2023

From Assistant Principal Theresa Lueke

As we begin our 2023/24 school year, I am excited to report that our new Middle School Electives program is off to a great start!  

Last Spring, our Specials teachers Mr. Ranek, Ms. Loser, Ms. Chrostoski, Ms. Betsey, along with Ms. Donovan (our Mindfulness teacher), Ms. Cataldo, and I built a program that offered our Middle School students the opportunity to explore their own interests.  Mr. Shorter, our new CIDE, and our new Spanish teachers joined in the mix to offer Anti-Bias, Anti-Racism, and different levels of Spanish instruction.  In addition to engaging in self-selected learning experiences, our Middle Schoolers are also experiencing what it means to navigate multiple buildings and class locations, and manage their own schedules and responsibilities without the help of “that one kid who wrote down the homework.”  

We will highlight some of these courses over the next couple of weeks, but MANY thanks to all of the teachers who approached this adventure with great flexibility – and even greater creativity!

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