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CRE Update 09-21-23

This week marks National Migrant Week here in the United States. Sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholics here in the US are called to spend some time reflecting on the experiences of migrants around the world and praying that they will find themselves in a place where they can live out God’s will for their lives. 

Our 7th and 8th grade students participated in a simulation that gave them just a glimpse of some of the decisions refugees are often asked to make as they leave their homelands. Students were able to discern the best items to bring with them on their journey and heard about some of the circumstances refugees face as they work to escape their homes. We reflected on the experience and spent time talking about how we as Catholics are called to walk in solidarity with all those we meet. 

One Announcement: Parent Prayer scheduled for tomorrow (September 22) is CANCELLED.

We will resume next week on September 29! Bring your friends and join us in the Hesed Outdoor Classroom next Friday to start your day with a little bit of Jesus!

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