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CRE Update 10-05-23

Please join us for Parent Prayer tomorrow (Friday) at 7:55 in the Hesed Outdoor classroom to start your day with Jesus!

October is known as Respect Life Month. This month we talk about how to respect life at all stages, from conception until natural death. To celebrate here at school, we are praying about different ways that we can show respect for life, even at this stage in our lives. On Monday, October 9 our 2nd graders will be leading a Respect Life Prayer Service in the gym. All are welcome to join us at 2:00 for prayer and fellowship!

Another way we are celebrating this month is with our annual collection for Our Lady’s Inn. Each homeroom will receive an empty baby bottle that they are asked to fill with coin or dollar donations. The contest will run from October 9 – October 15. The homeroom that collects the most money at the end of the week will receive a free dress down day and movie afternoon! Baby bottles will also be passed out at Mass this weekend for families to pick up and fill at home throughout the week. 

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