CRE Update 10-26-23

Thank you to all who contributed soup and peanut butter to our collection for Isaiah 58! They were thrilled to have so many donations with which they can replenish their supply. 

This week our 8th graders worked together to create prayer cards for those who attended the vigil in remembrance of the CVPA shooting last fall. They wrote their own prayers, then pasted them on nice paper as an offering to those who were present at the vigil. 

This week our first graders created Halloween decorations for their friends at the Ronald McDonald House. Our first graders have historically partnered with RMH by collecting pop tabs and raising awareness for the great things that they do. We are excited to work with them again this year!

This week we are kicking off our prayer chalice program. Sign up here to bring the chalice home with you for the week! Tune in to next week’s newsletter to see pictures of the chalice at one of our SMOS family’s homes.


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