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CRE Update 01-11-24

Was one of your New Year’s Resolutions to grow in faith this year? Join us tomorrow for our first Parent Prayer of 2024! All are welcome to come to the Hesed Outdoor Classroom at 7:50am to start the day with a little bit of Jesus. 

Check out some of these ways to bring Jesus into your home this month:

  1. January 22nd is the National Day of Prayer for the Unborn. How can you incorporate a greater respect for life into your family culture? Some ideas might include doing service work together to help your children see that life must be respected at all ages. Can your family find anything around your house or at the store that a new mother or young family might need? Maybe collect diapers throughout your neighborhood. There are also prayers for the unborn that are easy additions to when your family says prayers before bed or grace before meals. 
  2. During these cold winter months, it can be difficult to find indoor activities to keep everyone busy. Have you explored the different religious sites St. Louis is home to? This is a great time of year to take a self-guided tour of the Cathedral Basilica on Lindell, or the Old Cathedral next to the Arch. Both tell stories of our faith and how it has grown here in the City of St. Louis. Have you ever wanted to walk the path of a saint? Take a trip up to Old Town Florissant and visit the St. Ferdinand Shrine. St. Rose Philippine Duchesne spent time living, working, and evangelizing in the streets of Florissant, and the Florissant community has taken great care to protect and spread her legacy! 
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