Dear Maggie – August 29, 2024

Dear Maggie —

I spent the weekend cleaning out my kids’ closets and noticed that all of my kids’ SMOS sweatshirts are too small or have seen better days. Anyone else’s kids love to cut teeny tiny holes in their shirts?! Just mine, cool, cool. 😒 I am also looking to revamp my fall wardrobe and the cheerleader in me would love to add a little Spirit to my closet!  We have a full calendar of SMOS sporting events coming up and I would love to scream on the sidelines support our school with some cool gear!  I’ve seen other schools have some pretty sweet stuff – so, what’s up with Spiritwear for this year? Bring it on!

— Cheer Captain Carla 

Dear Cheer Captain —

Can I get a D? D! Can I get a R? R! Can I get an A? A! Can I get a G? G! Can I get an O? O! Can I get an N? N! Can I get an S? S! GOOOOO DRAGONS!!! Man, that brought me back to my Pep Squad days – and boy did we have to work really hard to uplift people back then… nothing says Debbie Downer like the Black Plague! 😰 

And your timing is oh-so-appropos with Spiritwear because I just overheard Beth Kauffman, who runs the Spiritwear Committee, mentioning some very exciting news that you probably already saw in this newsletter.  Apparently, we have a new vendor, and they’re local (right over on Hampton by the Target)! The PTA has teamed up with South City Sporting Goods to be Spiritwear gurus!  Beth was saying that they have been an absolute delight to work with and are really looking to get SMOS families some fresh new attire.  Unlike the options I had as a young Queen, this stuff is adorbs!  All we had was plaid from head to toe, and back then the skirts were for the guys!  Plus it was soooo itchy!  A t-shirt made from 100% wool isn’t exactly a recipe for comfort.  And don’t get me started with the accessories – no matter how hard you try, it’s impossible to make a haggis bag look cute.

Checking out the new site, I can say oh, it’s already been brought!  I can’t wait to get started shopping.  I love the fact that I can go in the store and try on samples or see what colors and materials look like first.  (But who am I kidding, a good scotch and some online shopping is the way to go!)  I’m eyeing one of those retro trucker hats for Malcolm – and I’m super excited to see everyone in their new gear!  Soon we’ll be giving three cheers for the best dressed on the sidelines. Hope this news puts some pep back in your step!

— Maggie


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