“In the end it’s the beginning that counts.”
We are often so focused on the now, that we may forget the past. Dia De Los Muertos gives us the opportunity to reflect and celebrate those who have lived and gone before us.
Thanks to the SMOS I&D Committee (and especially Dana Garcia!), we now have our ofrenda up in the School Cafeteria for all to experience and enjoy this holiday. Feel free to bring in items to add to our altar, and if you’re around the school, stop in for a look.
“Day of the Dead” is a Mexican Holiday that originated thousands of years ago. The tradition can be traced back to the Aztecs, Mayans, and the Toltec’s who believed that death was a part of life. They celebrated the dead by honoring them and invited their spirits back to the living. When we think about our lives and reflect on different accomplishments we must appreciate and pay homage to the past.

Family Game Night
Also, don’t forget about the game night sponsored by the I&D Committee coming up next week. All are welcome, and we’d especially like to introduce some of our new families of color and diversity to each other and members of the community!
Where: St. Margaret of Scotland School (Cafeteria)
When: Friday, November 15th
Time: 5pm-7pm