Catholic Schools Week Wrap-Up
We had a wonderful Catholic Schools Week last week! Here are some of the highlights……
- “Dressing like a saint!” – Vivian Kleinberg (aka Mary), Kindergarten
- “Getting to be with everyone else and getting to scream on spirit day!” – Olivia Reed, 4th grade
- “8th grade vs. Teachers volleyball game!” – Van Page, 7th grade
Other bright spots include spending time in Faith Families doing an SMOS themed Jeopardy game, visiting with members of the Dominican order, the School Sisters of Notre Dame, and the Society of the Sacred Heart during lunch on Wednesday, the Minute to Win it Games on Thursday afternoon, and Pretzel Boys (thanks, PTA!).
Thank you all for your support of our mission here at SMOS. It was a wonderful week celebrating who we are as a school community.