Dear Maggie – February 6, 2025

Dear Maggie —

I so appreciated your column last week lamenting the doldrums of winter. Man, could I relate! I was so “dialing-in” January by the end of the month that I should have listed it as an emergency contact on my phone. But now it’s February, and I must confess I’ve not fully recovered from the busy-ness of Catholic Schools Week. I know your column offer helps out school parents who are in some way overwhelmed by the goings-on around her – and I’m embarrassed to say that I’m no exception. So, HELP! I’m sure I’ve messed something up, because my calendar looks really normal right now, and I’m positive I’m missing something!! Please, help a gal out – before I realize my big snafu!

— Date-Dizzy Diana

Dear Date-Dizzy —

Girlfriend – Take. A. Breath. You’ve got this! No, I mean, you really do. Because you’re not missing anything – and you’ll rarely hear my say anything like this, but there is not really anything on the immediate horizon that you need to be tracking! How about THAT for a better start for February! (As if hauling in almost $13k at Trivia Night last weekend for the Mandeville Scholarship Fund wasn’t a good enough beginning!)

As surprising as it is to report, we are in a fairly “normal” stretch – and there’s not a lot out-of-the-ordinary on the calendar. I was even able to jet off to the Grammy’s this past weekend for a quick sojourn (had to celebrate the “Midwest Princess”!). Lent happens towards the later end of our liturgical calendar this year – so woo-hoo, Easter is in April again (and Ash Wednesday is not until March 5!). That means there’s still plenty of time to figure out Valentine’s Day and Mardi Gras! Oh sure, there’s the rescheduled ice skating from last week (but that’s just pure fun), and I’m sure there’ll be some pressing asks for volunteers (Speech Meet this weekend – they’re still looking for help), or for $1 bills at the last minute (ok, so Maker’s Market and Speech Team Bake Sale), or another dress-down day thrown in for good measure (haha – got you on that one – there’s nothing scheduled… YET!) – but in terms of things we’re actively tracking – you can take it easy for the moment and rest assured that you’re truly not missing out. The next big event around here isn’t really until the Fish Fry on March 14… oh and then, the Highlander Gala in May – but that feels really far away, doesn’t it? Oh wait – Carey Morgan just texted me right now and said they are busy planning this fundraiser and need volunteers and sponsorships and auction items pronto. So, anyway, you get what I mean… nothing to see here!?!

OK – so maybe it’s not as not-busy as I would like to think it is. And maybe it’s just that I need to feel like things are calmer and returning to “normal” instead of constantly moving at what seems like warp-speed. But I invite you to join me in this moment of delusion zen, and relish in the idea that for at least a brief instant even, we’ve got this covered. We’re on top of the ball. And we can sit back, watch the Super Bowl this weekend (Swifties unite!), and relax knowing we’re masters of our own universe – that is, at least until Monday. Go Chiefs!

— Maggie


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