Alright, I know you all have been waiting for a very long time (read: 6 days) to hear all of the submissions for what people want me to give up for Lent this year! When I asked for suggestions, I had no idea you guys had such strong feelings about my lifestyle, sheesh! I had over 1145 submissions, so I decided to give them to you a la David Letterman Late Night show style. So, without further ado:
Top 10 Things People Think Maggie Should Give Up For Lent
10. Haggis or any food with the word “blood” in the title, because ew, gross!
– Andy R.(uszkowski)
9. Playing “Dead Bodys in the Bog Scavenger Hunt” or any similarly disturbing games.
– Carrie C.(rompton)
8. Buying followers on TikTok. My daughter told me to submit this one, I don’t even know what TikTok is.
– Kelly M.(oore)
7. Making up Dear Maggie inquiries or questions. I know some weeks are slow, but come on!
– Michael S.(onntag)
6. Stop humble-bragging about your friendship with Taylor Swift; it’s a new Era – give it up already!
– Kevin A.(lbright)
5. 🛑 using emojis 😀 and #hashtags. We know your favorite is the 🤣, but at least switch it up every once in a while.
– Rheagan R.(eynolds)
4. Stop dragging your “assistant” Paige through the mud. Surely she’s sick of your nonsense by now!
– Chris S.(tephens)
3 . No more cocktails (or whatever 🌿😜) on the lanai with Bernie and Terri; this is Lent, after all; give up something that you REALLY love!
– Brigid D.(icker) & Sr. M.(ary) J.(o)
2. Taking trips on a whim and leaving breaks early and then coming back late; I’m pretty sure you’ve gone WAY over on your PTO and keeping track of it all is a nightmare
– Melissa O.(rdway)
1. Taking questions from seemingly clueless parents collectively making all of us look dense, there’s got to be someone, ANYONE with 2 brains cells to rub together in this bunch
– Will A.(rvin)
So, there you have it! While these are all VERY good ideas, they aren’t exactly aligned with the meaning of the Easter Season. In addition to them not being “on brand” with Easter, you and I both know I shan’t and can’t ever actually give up any of these things, so I’ll do something extra instead of temporarily quitting something this year. This Lent, I am going to say an extra prayer for each and every one of you. I pray that you have a restful and rejuvenating 9.5 days, and I wish you all a Happy Spring Break! 💐🌸👙🌞⛱️😎📷🧳 #YouWillNeverTakeMyEmojis #OrApparentlyMyHashtags
— Maggie