
At the heart of Stewardship are the simple concepts of Gratitude and Generosity. All of us are called to be grateful for all the gifts that God has given to us, and in turn, we are called to be generous in sharing those gifts with others. So, “Grateful & Generous” is the theme of our Stewardship Season for 2023.

“Grateful & Generous” – Time To Update Your Giving

Please don’t forget to increase your offertory giving (especially electronically) that you committed to as part of our Grateful & Generous campaign.

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“Grateful & Generous” – Note Of Gratitude

Please see the Note of Gratitude which was printed in the December 17th bulletin.

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“Grateful & Generous” – Thank You!

Thank you for your generous support of our “Grateful & Generous” Program! In the next few weeks, we will be publishing in the bulletin a report with important highlights from our program.

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“Grateful & Generous” – Have You Made Your Parish Commitment?

This weekend is the deadline to return your completed Commitment Card for our ‘Grateful & Generous’ increased offertory program.  Thank you to those parishioners who have already done so – All cards need to be returned to the parish by Sunday, November 12.

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“Grateful & Generous” – Commitment Card Deadline

Thank you to all parishioners who have completed and submitted your Commitment Card to the church.  For those parishioners who have not yet had the opportunity to submit their card, please do so before the November 12 deadline.

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“Grateful & Generous” – Reflect & Renew

Thank you to all parishioners who have completed and submitted your Commitment Card to the church.  For those parishioners who have not yet had the opportunity to submit their card, a letter is being mailed to you with a personalized Commitment Card.

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A New Week – October 8, 2023

Thanks to all who have given such positive feedback to our Stewardship season!  My hope is that by focusing on gratitude and generosity, our community at St. Margaret of Scotland will grow in faith, prayer, care for one another, and dedication to this parish we love.

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“Grateful & Generous” – Commitment Weekend

Thank you for celebrating Commitment Sunday with us this weekend.  Your commitment to our parish through our “Grateful & Generous” Program will continue to bring life to our community. 

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Stewardship Ministry Fairs 2023

Event Dates: October 7-8, October 14-15, October 21-22, after each Mass
Church Hall

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A New Week – October 1, 2023

Today is Commitment Sunday during our Stewardship Season at St. Margaret of Scotland. This past week, all our households have received information in the mail about our Increased Offertory Program, and I hope that many of you will respond with a renewed pledge of more financial generosity.

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Name Tags At Mass

Thanks to all who wore name tags at Mass this past weekend.  We will be continuing to wear them at…

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“Grateful & Generous” – Increased Offertory Program

Watch your mail this week for more information and a detailed brochure introducing our Increased Offertory Program. Please review this brochure and prayerfully consider how you and your family can help St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church by financially supporting our ministries, furthering our mission, and securing our future.

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Bulletin Article – September 24, 2023

Stewardship Reflection – by Heather Lawyer

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A New Week – September 24, 2023

Today is Stewardship Sunday in the Archdiocese of St. Louis! St. Margaret joins the other parish communities of our local Church in celebrating and committing to Stewardship, that is, to be grateful and generous with our time, talent, and treasure.

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A New Week – September 17, 2023

Continuing our Stewardship season, this time of gratitude and generosity, we welcome Dave Baranowski, Director of Parish Stewardship for the Archdiocese of St. Louis to St. Margaret of Scotland this weekend.

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Bulletin Article – September 17, 2023

Stewardship Reflection – by Greg Rohde

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A New Week – September 10, 2023

This weekend, we welcome John Martin and Cliff Reynolds, who serve on our parish Finance Council and are presenting the annual financial report to the parish at Sunday Mass. A detailed snapshot of the financial state of the parish can be found in the annual printed report. 

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Bulletin Article – September 10, 2023

Stewardship Reflection – by Luke Ruszkowski

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2023 Stewardship Report

The annual Parish Stewardship Report has been sent to the homes of all registered parishioners. Please see the digital copy…

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Bulletin Article – September 3, 2023

Stewardship Reflection – by Prudence Kramer

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“Grateful & Generous” – Introduction

Over the next few weeks, you will be hearing about the upcoming “Grateful & Generous” Increased Offertory Program at St….

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A New Week – August 27, 2023

At the heart of Stewardship are the simple concepts of Gratitude and Generosity. All of us are called to be grateful for all the gifts that God has given to us, and in turn, we are called to be generous in sharing those gifts with others. So, “Grateful & Generous” is the theme of our Stewardship Season which begins this weekend.

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A New Week – August 13, 2023

Happy Back to School Sunday and Back to School Week! And coming up… it’s Stewardship Season!

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Parishioner Thank You

Event Date: Sunday, August 27, 4:00-6:00pm
Church Hall – Reception; Church – Vespers

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