Worship Commission

The Worship Commission at St. Margaret of Scotland is one of four Commissions that provide organization to all that we do at our parish. The way we pray together, each Sunday and at other special times during the year, is the primary ministry and work of the Worship Commission. These liturgical ministries help our entire community worship fully and faithfully as we celebrate the Eucharist, the source and summit of Christian life.

The Commission is led by the Pastor and Parish Staff and consists of parishioners who help lead our many and various ministries. Members of the Worship Commission gather monthly to discuss, plan, and shape the liturgy at our parish.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers assist our celebrants during mass, helping each liturgy flow smoothly to ensure a more reverent worship experience for our parish community.

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Greeters provide a warm and welcoming environment for all who enter St. Margaret of Scotland Church to worship.

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Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration of the Holy Eucharist is held weekly at St. Margaret of Scotland outside of Mass on Thursdays from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Church chapel.  Eucharistic…

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Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Eucharistic Ministers are the Liturgical Ministers who assist the priest in sharing the consecrated bread and wine at Holy Communion, typically as part of Mass.

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Lectors help to reveal the voice of God to the parish family by presenting the Word in a reverent way that helps strengthen the relationship between the worshippers and God.

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Liturgical Art & Environment

Liturgical Arts and Environment volunteers adapt our beautiful worship space at St. Margaret of Scotland with the changing seasons and feasts over the course of the year.

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Music Ministry

Our music ministry plans, prepares, and leads the musical aspect of our liturgical celebration and strives to utilize the special musical gifts and talents of our parish community.

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Sacristans are the Liturgical Ministers who assist with preparations for Mass and other celebrations at Church.

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Ushers provide assistance at all weekend Eucharistic Liturgies (Mass) where the Offertory Collection will be taken up from the congregation.

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Ministries and Organizations

Service & Social Commission

Service & Social Commission

The Service & Social Commission at St. Margaret of Scotland is one of four Commissions that provide organization to all that we do at our parish. Parish ministries are all those ways we give our time and talent to the greater glory of God in social and service settings. We have a variety of ways to get involved.
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Volunteer at School

Volunteer at School

Volunteering at our school enriches the experience of our children and bind our community together in fellowship, leadership, and service. We encourage parishioners and parish families to explore all the opportunities available through the school.
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Worship Commission

Worship Commission

The Worship Commission at St. Margaret of Scotland is one of four Commissions that provide organization to all that we do at our parish. The way we pray together, each Sunday and at other special times during the year, is the primary ministry and work of the Worship Commission. These liturgical ministries help our entire community worship fully and faithfully as we celebrate the Eucharist, the source and summit of Christian life. The Commission is led by the Pastor and Parish Staff and consists of parishioners who help lead our many and various ministries. Members of the Worship Commission gather monthly to discuss, plan, and shape the liturgy at our parish.
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Music Ministry

Music Ministry

Our music ministry plans, prepares, and leads the musical aspect of our liturgical celebration and strives to utilize the special musical gifts and talents of our parish community.
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