God calls us to be generous with all our gifts, including our treasure. Our mission statement at St. Margaret of Scotland calls us to “serve others with unconditional generosity”. This can seem like a lofty – and perhaps unmanageable – bar to reach, yet the simple act of planning allows us to be more intentional with our giving.
Annual Giving Plan
The below guide illustrates stewardship best practices and a worksheet to plan your annual giving to the Church and other causes. And our online giving tool, WeShare, makes annual giving to St. Margaret of Scotland easier than ever before. If you have questions or would like assistance setting up an online giving account, please contact the rectory at 314-776-0363.
Our Guide to Giving in Stewardship

Give Now
Give Now
A gift to St. Margaret of Scotland supports our mission to be a “beacon of the Catholic faith in our neighborhoods”.
Commemorative Court
Commemorative Court
Celebrating a family's connection with the parish, recalling a loved one, or marking a special event such as a baptism or wedding are just some of the many good reasons to dedicate a paver.
Annual Report
Annual Report
When you give to St. Margaret of Scotland, you are spreading the Catholic faith locally.
Contact Us
Have a question or comment about the St. Margaret of Scotland parish community? We’d love to hear from you!
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