The path to full membership is a formation process that culminates in the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.
Become Catholic
Our Invitation
Together with a team of parishioners, the RCIA group embarks on a journey of faith and conversion to explore the beliefs, life, liturgy and apostolic work of the Catholic Church.
RCIA is primarily designed for those who are seeking Baptism. However the formation process is adaptable to baptized Christians from other denominations, and to baptized Catholics who wish to complete their full initiation in the Catholic Church.
Even the fully initiated Catholic who wishes to refresh and invigorate her/his faith life through a mature and comprehensive process is invited to join the journey.
At St. Margaret of Scotland, we try to create a practical, accessible process, adaptable to many individual needs through which people can come to know the Catholic Faith and discern their desire to embrace it.
Adults who wish to know more about the Catholic Faith will meet each week with a team of parishioners and parish leaders to learn, discuss, pray, and journey towards a decision about joining the Catholic Church.
Each and every year, we begin anew in the early Fall! We look forward to meeting new seekers who wish to journey forth on this most important search.
If you are an adult who wishes to learn more about the Catholic Faith, you may contact the RCIA Coordinator to learn more about the process.
Ruth Pera
RCIA Coordinator
(314) 776-0363 ext. 1104
Already Catholic? Join St. Margaret
To register as a parishioner at St. Margaret of Scotland, please fill out the contact form. A member of our welcoming team will reach out to you within a couple days to complete the registration process and welcome you into our St. Margaret of Scotland community.

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