Sacraments Baptism

We all know the excitement that comes when a baby is born.  So too, we rejoice when a new Christian is born! The Sacrament of Baptism, the first of the Catholic Church’s  Sacraments of Initiation, is a sacred ritual where a person becomes a new creature, dying and rising with Jesus, through water and the Holy Spirit.

The Greek word for baptize means to “plunge” or “immerse,” and so we are baptized with water in the name of the Trinity to remind us of this rebirth.

We are christened with sacred Chrism, the oil of Baptism, as a sign of sealing us in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We receive a special candle, lit from the Paschal candle, to remind us of the light of Christ that we now receive and are asked to care for. And the presence of our parents and godparents represents the entire church community as the “village” it takes to raise each of us as a new Christian in our brand new life in Christ.

And because Baptism is at the core of our communal life, our parish community frequently celebrates it during or immediately following our weekly celebration of the Eucharist. Through the rich symbols and ritual of this first Sacrament, we are truly reminded of God’s immense love for us as we are welcomed as new members intothe Church.

Baptism Preparation Ministry

Parents who wish to have their child baptized meet with a host family to reflect. Together, we explore what we most cherish: our role as parent and our faith in God. This gathering also provides a wonderful environment for new parents to meet and connect with other parish members.

Baptism Preparation Ministry

Infant Baptism

Parents of the child are asked to schedule a Baptism with the Parish Office by calling (314) 776-0363 at least one month prior to the date of the Baptism. All remaining arrangements will proceed from there.

Infant Baptism

School Children

One of the wonderful experiences for our school children is when a friend or classmate chooses to become a member of the Church. If your child is student at the school and wishes to be baptized, please contact the School Office at (314) 776-7837.

School Children


If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith or want to explore the possibility of becoming Catholic, consider participating in our RCIA program. Please contact the Parish Office at (314) 776-0363 for more information.





The sacramental moments in life are bound together through our weekly Sunday celebrations where we gather as a neighborhood community.
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Worship Opportunities

Worship Opportunities

At St. Margaret of Scotland, we are blessed to be able to "sing and play to the Lord" frequently.
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Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Fill out a prayer to leave in our prayer network.
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