St. Margaret of Scotland School About Us

In the end, it’s the beginning that counts.

St. Margaret of Scotland school has been developing great students into great people from its original building in South St. Louis since 1918.  Located in the heart of historic Shaw Neighborhood, our school attracts a diverse population from various backgrounds and persuasions.

We are a ministry of our home parish, St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church, part of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. We are accredited by the National Nonpublic School State Accrediting Association.

Mission and Beliefs

Mission and Beliefs

A small school, big on individuals.   At St. Margaret of Scotland, our mission has always been to provide an outstanding learning environment in which children are challenged to meet...
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Welcome to SMOS!

Welcome to SMOS!

Join us for a video introduction to St. Margaret of Scotland School - and meet our Teachers & Staff.
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Admissions Process

Admissions Process

Learn about our Admissions Criteria and Requirements, Tuition and Fees, Scholarship & Tuition Assistance, and Registration information.
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Teachers & Staff

Teachers & Staff

Meet our faculty, administrative staff, and support personnel. Photos, bios, contact information and more!
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Let the numbers tell some of the story.


  • The student to teacher ratio averages 11:1 in preschool through third grade and 15:1 in grades four through eight.
  • St. Margaret’s students consistently score higher than the national average on standardized tests in Reading, Language, and Math. The Blue Ribbon National Recognition for Excellence says it all.
  • Over 90% of our students go on to college at institutions such as Harvard, Stanford, Loyola, Yale, American University, Northwestern, Notre Dame, Washington University, and Saint Louis University.
  • Our Goal: 100% smart and happy.

Campus and Facilities

  • Three buildings consisting of 28 classrooms
  • A large self-contained playground
  • A fully equipped gym
  • A cafeteria serving catered delicious and nutritious lunches
  • Seven mobile laptop units for student use
  • A staffed and well-appointed library
  • A music room
  • A dedicated Learning Lab (with two staff members) for neurodiverse learners
  • A science lab which provides for an exploratory, hands-on approach to learning
  • New for 2024-25 – a state of the art STEAM Lab and teacher

Extended Care

In order to help families with their busy schedules, St. Margaret of Scotland School offers an Aftercare program on site.  The program provides childcare for children from preschool through eighth grades daily from 3:00-6:00pm.


A Brief History

We opened our doors in 1917 to students from Kindergarten through 6th grade – 392 children – under the leadership of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, moving into the actual school building in 1918.  In 1920, we celebrated our first graduating class of 8th graders – 26 boys and 14 girls.  In these 100+ of years of educating children, we have found ourselves at our highest enrollment of just under 700 students in the 40’s and 50’s and our lowest enrollment of fewer than 200 hundred students in the 70’s and 80’s.

Today, we are a school of over 450 children, preschool through 8th grade, cared for by over 40 dedicated staff members. As we enter into our second century of learning, we strive to live our Mission and Beliefs as we continue to own our reputation for active faith and challenging academics.

Tradition In The 21st Century

Our school may be over 100 years old, but that just means that we offer a dynamic mixture of the most effective teaching methods of the past in conjunction with the new more progressive teaching techniques of today.

We understand the importance of our history and tradition, while embracing the innovation and technology that will help our students thrive in the future.

Please browse our website and get to know St. Margaret of Scotland School a learning community dedicated to faith and thinking for the 21st century.

St. Margaret of Scotland School By the Numbers

Years of excellence in Catholic education and stronger than ever
Students enrolled from more than 25 ZIP codes in St. Louis metro area
Technology for students in Grades K-8, including classroom SMART Boards
Brand-new middle school – the first free-standing Catholic school built in the city since 1950
Graduates accepted into their first-choice high school
Year awarded National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence


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