Theology Of The Body

An Introduction to Theology of the Body at SMOS

In the early 1980s, St. Pope John Paul II gave 129 public audiences where he preached about our creation as human beings. He explained that God created all people in his image and likeness, and were the only beings in all of creation to be made this way. Because we were created in God’s image, we have an inherent human dignity that should be protected and celebrated. This is the main theme of the Theology of the Body curriculum used in all Archdiocesan schools this year and in the years to come. 

As a Catholic school, St. Margaret of Scotland will be part of the Archdiocesan initiative to bring the message of Theology of the Body to students ages K-8. All schools will use a curriculum created by the Ruah Woods Institute, which consists of 9 lessons. These lessons will supplement our existing religion curriculum. They will not replace the existing curriculum series we use to teach the Archdiocesan religion standards. Furthermore, like with any curricular material, St. Margaret of Scotland administration and teachers are discerning how to implement these lessons and connect them to our mission and charism at SMOS. If you are interested in the content of these lessons, please see the details below for the lesson themes for each grade level. 

Please note that Theology of the Body is often confused as being teachings about human sexuality. Our Theology of the Body curriculum will not be used as a family life or sexual education course. The lessons presented will provide our students with teachings of Christ that are based on Holy Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This curriculum will allow all students to engage in healthy dialogue about what the Church teaches about our human dignity. 

If you have any further questions about the Theology of the Body, please contact Gwen Heithaus ( 

Theology of The Body Standards by Grade


K.1.1 TOB Express that creation is a gift from God who is loving. (TOB 13:2-3; CCC 301, 356) 

K.2.1 TOB Discuss that it is unique to the human person to care for creation. (TOB 6:4; CCC 307, 373) 

K.2.2 TOB Recognize that the human person has a special relationship with God in comparison to animals. (TOB 5-6; CCC 356, 358, 380)

K.5.1 TOB Discuss how humans image the communion of God; three persons in one God. (TOB 5-7, 9:2-9:3, 19:1; CCC 299, 343, 355-357) 

K.10.1 TOB Compare the special dignity of each person’s work to the activity of animals. (cf. TOB 5:4; CCC 307, 342-343,378)


First Grade 

1.1.1 TOB Expresses a sense of wonder for all of God’s creation. (TOB 2-3, 13:2; CCC 299) 

1.1.2 TOB Recognize the goodness of creation. (TOB 13:3; CCC 280, 339) 

1.1.3 TOB Express that every person is a gift from God. (TOB 13:2-4, 14:4, 15, 16:3-4, 17, 18:3-19:1, 19:3; CCC 356-358, 371-372) 

1.7.1 TOB Recognize that human beings manifest their inner life through their body language. (TOB 19:4-5; CCC 2521-2524)

1.10.1 TOB Recognize that true freedom comes by choosing the good. (TOB 13:3; CCC 1696, 1730, 1733) 

1.11.1 TOB Recognize that each person is unique and unrepeatable. (TOB 20:5; CCC 357, 366) 

1.11.2 TOB Recognize that God calls us to make a gift of ourselves in love. (TOB 46:6, 78:3; CCC 357, 1878, 2196, Gaudium et Spes 24:3)


Second Grade 

2.1.1 TOB Recognize that all creatures are a sign of God’s gift in love. (TOB 13:3; CCC 339, 342) 

2.2.1 TOB Articulate how and why we are made for a relationship with God (Communion). (TOB 6:2; CCC 357-358, 374) 

2.3.1 TOB Relate how we learn more about ourselves through our relationships with others. (cf. TOB 9:4, 12:3) 

2.3.2 TOB Discuss reasons why God made human beings male and female in Gen. 1:27 and Gen. 2:18-22a. (cf. TOB 2-3; 13:2; CCC 371-372) 

2.5.1 TOB Discuss how we are created in the image and likeness of the Trinitarian God. (TOB 9:2 – 9:3, 13:2, 19:1; CCC 355-357) 

2.6.1 TOB Express that humans are called to give themselves through love as “Gift.” (TOB 15:1; CCC 357, 1878, 2196; Gaudium et Spes 24:3) 2.6.2 TOB Discuss how Jesus is the model of what it means for a person to be a gift. (TOB 90:5-6; CCC 519-520)

2.7.1 TOB Discuss how the character of a person is embodied in their comportment. (cf. 1Cor. 6:19-20, 1Thess. 4:4, TOB 57:1-3; CCC 2521-2524) 

2.8.1 TOB Analyze how the body reveals that each person is made for relationship with God, others, and the world. (TOB 12:1, 13:4; CCC 340, 344, 371-373)


Third Grade 

3.2.1 TOB Give examples of humanity’s unique relationship with God as set apart from the rest of creation: naming the animals, cultivating the earth, and choosing between good and evil. (TOB 5:4, 6; CCC 343, 356, 373, 378) 

3.6.1 TOB Contrast how God can enable people to view the world and others as gifts with how some people view the world and others as a threat, eliciting a response of selfishness and manipulation. (cf. TOB 15:1, 46:6; CCC 2514, 2517-2519, 2524, 2531) 

3.8.1 TOB Relate how the body reveals the person. (TOB 14:4; CCC 364-366, 371) 

3.9.1 TOB Relate humanity’s relationship with God in original solitude to the restoration of humanity’s relationship with God through baptism. (cf. TOB 91:5, 92:2, 96:2-5; CCC 374, 1265, 1272-1273) 

3.10.1 TOB Relate being connected to Jesus the True Vine (Jn 15:4-5) to manifesting the fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). (cf. TOB 51; CCC 736, 1831-1832, 2074) 

3.12.1 TOB Recognize that in heaven there will be a profound unity and harmony between the soul and the body. (TOB 66:5-6; CCC 996-997)


Fourth Grade 

4.3.1 TOB Interpret the significance of Genesis 2:18: “It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper fit for him.” (TOB 9:2; CCC 371-372) 

4.3.2 TOB Compare Adam’s joy at the creation of Eve to his response to the creation of the animals. (TOB 10:1; CCC 371) 

4.5.1 TOB Extrapolate how humanity is created in God’s image through the communion of persons. (TOB 9:3, 14:6; CCC 355-357) 

4.7.1 TOB Connect how virtues (which have to do with each human’s inner life) are expressed through the body. (TOB 51:5-6, 53:4, 54:2-55:7; CCC 2516, 2520-2524) 

4.9.1 TOB Recognize that suffering is a result of the Fall and that suffering can make it difficult for us to see the gifts of God. (cf. TOB 26:4-5, 27:1-2; CCC 385, 400, 402, 404-405) 

4.9.2 TOB Relate how Christ nourishes communion through the gift of himself in the Eucharist. (TOB 99:1; CCC 1391, 1392) 

4.11.1 TOB Demonstrate how through our work we make a gift of ourselves. (cf. TOB 6:4, 7:2; CCC 2427-2428) 

4.11.2 TOB Relate how work helps us fulfill a mission. (cf. TOB 6:4, 7:2; CCC 373, 2427-2428) 

4.12.1 TOB Discuss how at the Resurrection we will experience the most perfect communion with God and others. (TOB 68:1-4; CCC 1023-1025) 

4.12.2 TOB Identify ways where God is, or was, present in their own life. (cf. TOB 65:5; CCC 356-357, 22ff)


Fifth Grade 

5.1.1 TOB Compare and contrast ancient myths of creation to Sacred Scripture and God’s goodness in creating. (cf. TOB 13:2-4; CCC 285, 287-301) 

5.4.1 TOB Explain how original nakedness refers to seeing the world and others as God sees; as Gift. (TOB 13, 14:2; CCC 337, 339, 377, 2531) 

5.6.1 TOB Demonstrate that people come to know themselves through a gift-of-self. (TOB 22:4; CCC 357; Gaudium et Spes 24:3) 

5.9.1 TOB Recognize that Jesus reveals the love of the Father. (TOB 23:4, 67:5; CCC 606-607; 1823) 

5.10.1 TOB Articulate how virtue is part of ‘life according to the Spirit.’ (cf. Eph. 6:13-17) (cf. TOB 51:5-6; CCC 736, 1824, 1830, 1839-1841, 2514-2519) 

5.12.1 TOB Discuss how at the Resurrection we will see as God sees and our bodies will perfectly reveal his love. (TOB 68.1, 69:6; CCC 997, 1003, 1011, 1023, 1026, 1028)


Sixth Grade 

6.1.1 TOB Exhibit wonder and awe at the generosity of God in the gifts of His abundant and beautiful creation. (TOB 2-3, 13:2; CCC 293-295, 341) 

6.1.2 TOB Explain how creation is a good gift created from nothing. (TOB 13:4; CCC 296-298) 

6.2.1 TOB Define “original experience” as the most basic human experiences all humanity has in common: original solitude, original unity, original nakedness. (TOB 4:4, 11:1) 

6.2.2 TOB Explain how original solitude means the experience of a person’s being alone-with-God; their unique relationship to God. (TOB 6:2; CCC 374-375) 

6.2.3 TOB Differentiate how humanity, as the pinnacle of creation, is both similar and dissimilar from God. (TOB 6-7, 9:2-3; CCC 339-344, 355-358) 

6.3.1 TOB Define “original unity” as the experience of humanity’s unity-in-difference; the unique relation between male and female. (TOB 9:1; CCC 369-373) 

6.3.2 TOB Identify the two ways of being human, male and female. (TOB 8:1, 10:1; CCC 369-372) 

6.3.3 TOB Discuss why it is a good thing that God created man as male and female. (TOB 9:3, 13:3, 14:1, 16:1-2; CCC 371-372) 

6.4.1 TOB Define “original nakedness” as experiencing the true and clear vision of the person; as gift and in God’s image. (TOB 13:1; CCC 337, 339, 377) 

6.4.2 TOB Exhibit the virtue of reverence for God, his creation, and other people by treating them with respect and honor, for God is all good and his creation is a good gift. (TOB 14:4, 15:4, 119-120, 132:1; CCC 2096-2097, 2415-2418, 2479) 

6.5.1 TOB Explain how people, in the image of the Trinity, learn about themselves through a gift of themselves. (TOB 8:4, 9:1-3, 10:1, 15:1; CCC 355-357,1889; Gaudium et Spes 24:3)

6.6.1 TOB Explain gift-of-self as thoughts, words or actions that place oneself at the service of others and seek the true good of the other. (cf. TOB 14:2; CCC 1609, 1667, 1889, 1914, 1926) 

6.7.1 TOB Describe how the body-soul unity reveals each person’s special dignity. (TOB 18:4, 19:3-5, 23:5, 56-57:3; CCC 2518, 2520-2524) 

6.8.1 TOB Explain how the human body is a visible sign (a “sacrament”) of God’s invisible love. (TOB 19:4; CCC 355-356, 364) 

6.8.2 TOB Describe how the human body is the “temple of the Holy Spirit” (1Cor 6:15) and why it is necessary to “glorify God in your body” (1Cor 6:20). (TOB 57:2; CCC 2516, 2519)


Seventh Grade 

7.1.1 TOB Explain that even after the Fall, creation remains a good gift and is not totally corrupted; it is able to be redeemed. (cf. TOB 32:3, 86; CCC 410-412, 422, 1045-1048) 

7.1.2 TOB Provide examples of rightly ordered desire, given by God, and disordered “desire.” (TOB 48:4; CCC 374-379, 400, 2514-2516, 2517-2520, 2528-2531, 2541, 2543-2544, 2546, 2548-2549, 2555, 2557) 

7.5.1 TOB Propose how a “communion of persons” involves the loving gift-of-self (i.e. the Trinity, but also the unity of the Church, the family and the unity of man and woman). (cf. TOB 8:4, 9:1-3, 10:1, 15:1; CCC 813, 1644 – 1647, 2205) 

7.6.1 TOB Evaluate actions for self-mastery and describe how actions of self-mastery free one to make a full gift-of-self. (TOB 15:1-4, 32:6; CCC 2339, 2340, 2343, 2346) 

7.7.1 TOB Explain the body-soul unity in the human person from the standpoint of the “language of the Body.” (TOB 9:4, 10:1, 14:6, 15, 16:1-2, 23:4-5, 123:4-5, 125: 1-2, 127:4; CCC 2518, 2521-2524) 

7.8.1 TOB Describe how the body, by its mere existence, communicates that the human person is a gift just by the fact that it exists. (TOB 14:4; CCC 357, 364) 

7.9.1 TOB Point out that as a result of original sin humans experience concupiscence and need to bring emotions and desires into harmony with what is truly good. (TOB 26:5, 31:3, 31:6, 32:3, 33:1-2, 51:5-6, 54; CCC 397, 400, 405, 1707, 1865, 1949, 2514-2520, 2534-2535, 2549) 

7.10.1 TOB Explain how Christ does not accuse but instead appeals to the human heart to be pure. (TOB 45:5, 46:5-6, 49:7; CCC 2517-2519) 

7.10.2 TOB Describe what ‘life according to the Spirit’ is and how following the law of God leads to true freedom and happiness. (TOB 15:1, 45:1, 51:5-6, 53:4-5, 54:2-4; CCC 30, 736, 1731, 1824, 1828-1832, 2514-2516, 2548) 

7.11.1 TOB Evaluate how love, as a power, is a participation in the love of God himself: How it is total. How it is faithful. How it is fruitful. How it is generous. (TOB 127:1; CCC 2331, 2335, 2360, 2364-2369)


Eighth Grade 

8.1.1 TOB Propose that creation should be received as a gift and not manipulated, dominated and controlled. (cf. TOB 13:3-4, 59:3; CCC 358, 373) 

8.5.1 TOB Compare how the loving communion of man and woman is like that of the Trinity, a communion of persons who are love and who in giving and receiving are fruitful. (TOB 9:1-3, 10:4, 14:6, 15:1; CCC 355-357) 

8.6.1 TOB Give examples of how a person is pure in heart, that is, when he/she perceives and respects others as a gift and seeks to make a gift of him/herself to others. (TOB 50, 54, 57:3; CCC 2518, 2519) 

8.8.1 TOB Explain that living out the spousal meaning of the body can be through marriage or virginity for the sake of the Kingdom. (TOB 15:5, 81:6; CCC 915, 916, 922, 923, 926, 1640, 1646) 

8.10.1 TOB Evaluate the beatitude: “Blessed are the pure in heart, because they will see God.” (cf. Mt.5:8 and TOB 43:5; CCC 2518, 2519, 2530-2533) 

8.11.1 TOB Describe the idea of a vocation and how it is the way one makes a total gift-of-self. (TOB 78, 86; CCC 915-916, 929, 932, 1579, 1603, 1605, 1618-1620) 

8.11.2 TOB Compare and contrast the sacrament of marriage and celibacy for the sake of the kingdom. (TOB 76:6, 78:4; CCC 915, 916, 1603, 1618-1620, 1621) 

8.11.3 TOB Explain how God invites, and does not force, when he calls someone to the vocation of married life, consecrated life, or the priesthood, leaving the person free to respond. (TOB 73:3-4, 76:4, 79:8; CCC 915, 1565, 1578, 1599, 1618, 1625-1628, 2233) 

8.11.4 TOB Describe how responding to the call of the consecrated life is a radical imitation of the life of Christ and is done to work for the kingdom of God on earth. (TOB 75:1, 75:4, 76:3, 79:2, 79:9, 81:4; CCC 915-916, 929, 932, 1579, 1618) 

8.11.5 TOB Explain that when God calls two people to the vocation of marriage, he is inviting them into a special sacrament of his love. (Ephesians 5 and TOB 87-93; CCC 1601, 1604) 

8.12.1 TOB Explain what will happen to the body at the Resurrection. (cf. TOB 64-72; CCC 997-1001)


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