There are numerous ways you can support the mission of St. Margaret of Scotland. Time, talent, and treasure are all vital elements to making sure St. Margaret stays a first-class educational institution and community. We are grateful for your stewardship in support of our mission.
Monetary Donations
We accept one-time and recurring online donations through our online platform called WeShare.
Checks can be made out to St. Margaret of Scotland School and dropped off at the school office or mailed to:
St. Margaret of Scotland
3854 Flad Ave
St. Louis, MO 63110

Every other year, the school hosts an auction to offset the operating costs of the school. Not only does it support a great cause – it is a lot of fun! If you are interested in helping serve on the auction planning team or volunteering to help in some capacity, please contact the auction committee.
The next auction is planned for May 19, 2023. Click here for details.

Corporate Giving
Many corporations providing matching grants for their employees in support of educational institutions. Please check with your employer to see if that opportunity is available – you can potentially double your donation!

The Mandeville Fund
St. Margaret of Scotland Parish and School are committed to promoting economic and racial diversity. The Mandeville Multicultural Fund was established to create opportunities not available through the Diocese for children of all religions to study alongside Catholic children at St. Margaret of Scotland.
Contributions to The Mandeville Fund support ongoing formation programs in our mission values for all students, faculty, and staff, and families at St. Margaret of Scotland School.

Have a question or comment about the St. Margaret of Scotland school community? We’d love to hear from you!