Parent Resources


St. Margaret of Scotland School is utilizing a new crisis communication application called CrisisGo.  It includes an app for the staff to alert, respond, and effectively communicate during any crisis at the School.  The goal is preparedness and safety for our students.



If you see or hear anything about school threats, weapons, violence, bullying, drugs, self-harm, or have any other school safety suspicion or concern, report it. Click the button below to report an issue to the Archdiocesan tip line.


Tip and Bully Reporting

As part of the St. Louis Archdiocese’s continued effort to provide a safe and secure learning environment, we are unveiling our new Tip and Bully Reporting through CrisisGo. Through the link above you will be able to submit incident reports to school administrators.  Some of the benefits of this system include:

  1. Anonymous or Identified Reporting – Reporters can share time, location, and details of the incident either with their contact information to discuss further or anonymously so as not to be connected to the report.
  2. Access to Submitting Reports – A report can be submitted by anybody through the link provided above. This opens the reporting to students, parents, and guardians who may see something that they feel needs to be addressed.
  3. Multiple Methods of Reporting – For now, we will be reporting through the web-based link provided above. Over the coming months, you will be invited to download the Safe2SpeakUp application that allows you to also submit reports through this method and be aware of additional safety and security efforts at your school.

We always encourage students to always talk to local administration and trusted adults about any issues.  This “Tip Line” is just another method of keeping everyone safe.